Testimonial 1

After two years of dealing with low back pain and not having any answers from the VA, I woke up one day and couldn’t walk or stand for more than 5 minute increments without excruciating pain. I posted my issue on Facebook and nearly all the advice given involved masking the pain as opposed to healing it. Pinky and I found each other amongst all the noisy advice and she told me, “I have experience with this type of low back pain and can improve your quality of life.”

I didn’t want to believe her but it was worth a shot. After working with her for about a month or two, I was able to stand longer. Then, I told her that I had a goal to teach my then 6 year old how to ride her bike without training wheels. So, she had given me a personalized plan that allowed me to get back to walking and jogging just long enough to keep up with my daughter on her bike. This milestone gave me so much hope and motivation to keep working with Pinky.

Finally, I shared my second innermost goal with Pinky. I told her, “I want to get back to running and collecting medals again.” She accepted the challenge and she gave me a weekly plan that improved my endurance, cardio, and my lower back. Over time, I went from weighing nearly 300 lbs to 245 lbs. In just one year of working with Pinky, I ran my first 5k in years. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to run again. Not only run again but run a race without stopping and no pain in my lower back.

Working with Pinky has not only given me relief with my lower back but knowledge about nutrition, anatomy, how water works in the human body, and making my day 1% better with just 15 minutes per day. These are just a few things out of so much more I’ve learned with Pinky. I’ve crushed major goals, I don’t have a single issue standing, walking, or running and it’s all because of Pinky’s expertise and passion to help people.

Thank you Pinky

–  Raymone B., Army

Testimonial 2

I have been looking for a coach to prepare myself for the Gate River Run. I was recommended to Pinky by a friend. From our first interaction about training for the race, her method attracted me. She took intensive assessment and evaluated my fitness levels and also any past injuries. From that she created a program that would not only best keep me injury free and suit me but crush my first 15k! I highly recommend Pinky.

-David S.

Testimonial 3

I had been playing doubles tennis three times a week and walking 2 miles every other day until I unknowingly moved into a mold infested condo. For an entire year after the mold exposure, I dealt with debilitating coughing, excruciating muscle spasms and inability to exercise.  I was desperate to regain my strength and balance and knew that my specific limitations required a special trainer to help me restore my physical well-being.

Thankfully, I found Pinky, who researched my medical malady and developed an individual program that allowed me to slowly rebuild my strength. I know that because of Pinky, I have more strength and a belief in myself that would have been impossible without her persistent, positive reinforcement. I am so grateful for her willingness to take on my physical limitations and the tools she gave me to continue working toward a healthier being.

She. Is. The. Best!

– Pam G.

Testimonial 4

Pinky has provided me with the knowledge and motivation to achieve physical goals beyond anything I’ve done before. After many attempts to get into shape over 35yrs I could never find a routine or system that would hold my interest for more than a few months at a time. After researching different places in town I found Pinky. Over the twice weekly sessions I quickly realized that I never knew what we would be doing next. She consistently mixes up my routine and the workouts we do to keep things interesting and keep my body guessing. She is always talking with me to find out what my goals are and where they have changed so that she can adjust the plan week by week. She stresses injury prevention through stretches and proper form and offers advice on a range of questions. While I’ve been the one doing each exercise, I know there is no way that I would be in the shape I’m in without her expertise and motivation. I’ve renewed several times and don’t have any intentions of stopping anytime soon.

-Steve D.

Testimonial 5

If you’re looking for a personal trainer, look no further than Pinky! Whatever your fitness goals are, she will help you achieve them! I have trained with Pinky for years and I can say with confidence; she’s the best trainer you’ll ever work with! Recently, Pinky helped me train for the new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). I have been taking the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) for over 15 years and when the ACFT was announced, I was concerned. I did not think I would ever be ready for it. I told Pinky about the new events, and she said, “No worries, I will get you there.” We had this conversation a year ago and I’m happy to say she was right! She got me there. Last week, I passed all of my events when my unit took our diagnostic ACFT. The only reason I was prepared is because of Pinky. During our sessions she is focused on me. Meaning, my workouts are tailored to me, so I am successful getting where I need to be. She helped me get stronger, improve my endurance, and she taught me to use proper technique to prevent injuries. I think the world of Pinky, and I am truly lucky to have found her. Call her up, and let her help you reach your goals! You will not be disappointed.

– Jasmin B., Army

Testimonial 6

Over the past summer, Pinky helped me drop four seconds making me be able to qualify for the swimming summer sectionals. She helped me train the right muscles groups in order to get faster in the water. I will continue to train with Pinky throughout the school year getting faster so I will eventually get in the 2020 Olympics Trials.

– Zackary C.

Testimonial 7

Pinky came onto the rowing coaching staff at our high school and brought a ton of energy and enthusiasm.  The girls loved her presence and thoughtful yet firm critics of what they needed to improve upon and how to work harder.  Pinky used her knowledge in Rehab and Sports performance to make a direct difference with the team, which included a new pre and post workout stretching protocol as well as cupping, foam rolling and pressure point massage. I saw firsthand the pain relief involved on several occasions.  I highly recommend Pinky for all your training and rehab needs.

– Coach Alton
 Episcopal School of Jacksonville (FL)

Testimonial 8

HerHEALTHYLife program catapulted my health into another dimension holistically! With the wealth of information, I was able to immediately implement it into my life. Although there were challenges at the beginning, HerHEALTHYLife was able to access my state of health accurately, provided customized training/meal planning, and overall TRANSFORM my health! I AM GRATEFUL for Pinky, her expertise, patience, and encouragement throughout the entire process. I honestly can say that I AM HEALTHIER. 🙂

– Honor P., USN

Testimonial 9

Pinky is awesome!!!! I suffer with some knee and back issues and Pinky tailors my workouts to fit my issues. The workouts are challenging and definitely interesting. She encourages me to push myself without being overbearing or rude all the while being cognizant of my somewhat limited mobility. She’s always punctual and is flexible when unexpected situations come up. If you have not been working out and you want to get started or if you worked out before and need some help starting back up Pinky is definitely for you.

– Monica W.

Testimonial 10

With my collection of injuries, it’s challenging and alarming to find someone willing to work with me. Pinky was really excited about my issues and has helped me gain strength back after a car accident and mobility in my other injured areas. I didn’t think I would feel this good again, and it’s amazing to see what is literally weekly progress. If you want to get healthy, get back to being yourself, this is the person to call!

– Irina R.

Testimonial 11

I genuinely enjoyed HerHEALTHYLife. Pinky was so motivational not only in her emails but during our Zoom fitness and follow-up sessions. The content she provided was highly informative and useful as they were detailed with in-depth information but her responses to my questions and concerns were specific to me and what my body needed and could handle, and now I have access to tools & resources to help me make the best decisions for my health and wellness for the rest of my life. It is funny because each time I have had cravings for food that I have decided to remove from my life; it is as if Pinky pops up on my right shoulder advising me of the consequences like the little shoulder angel and devil. She is my own personal Jiminy Cricket. Thank you, Pinky! I will forever be grateful for everything you have taught me!

– Sharleen D., USAF